Sunday, 29 September 2013

Context of my work

I started to think about the context of my work, I always feel stuck between Fashion and Interiors as I enjoy both!

I have looked at both to try come to a decision although I would like to bring them both together in some way.


Mark Fast-
I like the open structures he uses in this collection.

90s rave-inspired s/s14 catwalk show -

Alexander McQueen- Savage Beauty-

Nature plays a big part in McQueen's work. It has been a central theme throughout.


 Macojay Interiors-

CB Interiors-

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Day at the beach

During my summer holidays I took a trip to the beach. I wanted to capture the natural environment in a variety of ways, I have looked at natural colour- flowers, I have looked at landscapes so wanted to explore the beach and sea life to some extent. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


I wanted to experiment with hand printing creating unique and abstract designs. Here are a few examples sticking to my original colour pallet of bright, natural colours..

Watercolor paint- 

Experimenting with different media...

From my initial drawings I started to develop them using oil pastels to create a more textured look taking the colours used from my original photographs.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Inital experimenting...

As I have been influenced over the summer by natural colours and textures I started to play around with inks creating drawings which were done freely by letting the ink move around the page to create this sense of blasts of colour and explosions of colour. I have also thought about pattern and shape within my original photographs and started thinking about repetition within these. Although I am a knitter I want to start to experiment with print, hand print and perhaps natural dyeing.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Nature and Fashion

Alexander McQueen Spring 2007

John Galliano


Jean-Paul Gaultier

Garde of Delights by Steven Meisel | Trendnistan