Monday, 2 January 2012

Sampling Brief

The sampling brief is very exciting, ordered opposites. Immediately I was drawn to the words chaos and order. I love being expressive and felt these words fit my style. My initial idea was to think of a subject matter that reflects these words. Rush hour, train stations, crowds of people and most public places can be very chaotic at times, however they can be very ordered at the same time.

The image above I feel is very interesting, you can just see strips of lights running through it, the colour really stands out against the dark background..
I then did some experiments using colour and line drawings to interpret the words in to my work..

I didn't feel comfortable with my initial ideas of a subject matter so I thought hard about a subject matter I would be really interested in. I love working with colour and on this unit we have the chance to use a lot of colour in our work, that’s when I came up with the idea of looking into Indian textiles. They are bright, colourful, patterned and they link in to my chosen words, some are very chaotic with a lot of different colours and some are pretty ordered.

I started looking at Indian slums as they too are chaotic and also include the words populated: unpopulated. I started looking at colour pallets with in these slums using designer Gouache, which was introduced during a taught session on colour. I found it very useful...

It was slightly difficult at the start as I wasn't sure how to match the colours, mixing them and finding the exact tone of the colour, After I had done a few I started to feel more confident.

From this starting point I started looking at colour pallets reflecting Indian textiles and what types of threads relate.


I have done observational drawings from the patterns in the images I have collected on Indian textiles.

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